Grade 3

During term 2, the Grade 3 students have been learning about persuasive writing, and how their words have the power to influence the reader’s opinion. After reading the book, “If I was Prime Minister” by Beck and Robin Feiner, the students wrote an exposition text about why they should be Prime Minister of Australia. To support their opinion, the students provided three arguments detailing what they would do for the community as Prime Minister. An excellent example of the activity is an extract from a Grade 3 student’s work: “Firstly, as Prime Minister, I would build a Community Centre that gives money to needy people so they can buy food, water, shelter and clothes, and feel included in our community.”

Grade 4

Year 4 Camping Adventure

Term 2 begun with great excitement within the Year 4 cohort at Sirius College. The students attended Lady Northcote Recreation Camp which is set in the picturesque Rowsley Valley close to Bacchus Marsh.

Almost 100 eager students made their way to the campsite on the 29th of April. They spent the next two days committing themselves to the following activities:


Canoeing was one of the most popular camping activities.


Various students participated in yabbying. This activity taught the students how to catch yabbies with meat, string and nets. Using the catch and release principal, there were plenty of yabbies to be caught.


This fun activity taught participants how to read and orient maps, how to use a compass and why working together as a team is so important.

Giant Swing

Adrenaline and teamwork combined on the giant swing. This thrilling activity saw our students winched upward by fellow teammates to a height of their choice. Once ready to swing, they pulled the cord and the real fun begun!

From trying something new to overcoming a personal fear, Year 4 Camp was a great opportunity to take on a challenge, give powerful experiences and take home new memories.

4B Class News

With Term 2 quickly drawing to a close we look back on what has been a very busy time for class 4B

During this term Year 4B students have taken part in the many learning adventures. In English, our focus was on writing a structured Explanation Text and continuing our very exciting novel studies. Students continued revising multiplication facts in Maths lessons and during Integrated studies students developed their geography knowledge and mapping skills. All students are to be congratulated for all their hard work during this term.

Alongside in class learning activities, year 4B students were involved in many extracular activities this term. Lady Northcote Camp, held in the second week of the term, was a memorable experience for all students who attended. Students also participated in the St John’s Ambulance First Aid Incursion. This incursion provides our students with valuable information on how to best manage emergency situations. Finally, the year 4B cohort will be attending Melbourne Museum with an special viewing of a documentary at IMAX Cinemas. We are all super excited for a day of exploring and grasping new knowledge.

Ramadan saw year 4B students enjoy a friendly class iftar night at school. The students were overjoyed for having the opportunity to break their fasts at school, in the teacher’s staffroom, with their friends. This night was definitely a key highlight for this term.

To finish off a very busy term our students once again demonstrated great class spirit by assisting with eachothers learning and supporting friends to develop a productive learning community within our classroom. Well done, the most amazing 4B students for your kindness, dedication and persistence during Term 2!

Grade 5

Pastoral Care Girls Excursion to Bounce

On the morning of Saturday 30th of March year 5 Pastoral Care girls were all very excited to go on an excursion to Bounce. Before we could have fun, we had to check in, grab our socks from the staff and put our things away. Once we put our bags in a room, we had to wait for 10 minutes for the high school girls. After 10 minutes we finally went to the trampolines and started bouncing.

There were so many trampolines, and so much to do, like run and jump into an airbag, cliff jump. After our time was up, everyone was starving. We hopped on the bus and drove to Nando’s. Everyone enjoyed their meals and I must say it was quite nice.

Once everyone was ready to leave, Mrs. Dilek and Mrs.Demirbas had a surprise waiting for us. Once Mrs. Dilek and Mrs. Demirbas announced the surprise, all the girls got really excited. They bought us all a sundae each from McDonalds and we got to choose our own flavour. Once everyone finished their sundaes we went on the bus and went back to Eastmeadows Campus, for everyone to go home.

By Hifsa and Sophia from 5C